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  • Writer's pictureJim McCullough

Jane, you ignorant...

Updated: Mar 23

If you don't remember, the classic "Jane, you ignorant slut." It was a Saturday Night Live bit from "Weekend Update." Where Dan Ackroid would turn to Jane Curtain right after she made a cogent, logical point and said it. More than a laugh; it was a satirical jab at the heart of societal follies. But folks, if you think about it, "Jane" is us—every last one of us, navigating this bizarre game show of existence where truth is subjective, and ignorance is bliss... or is it?

Jane = Everyone in This Gaslit Reality Show: Today, we've evolved—or devolved, depending on your view. We don't just call each other ignorant; we've become more sophisticated. We gaslight. We tell each other that the reality we're experiencing, whether soaked in truth or dripping with deceit, is not reality. "You think you're informed? Cute. Let me 'enlighten' you with the 'real truth.'" Sound familiar?

It's as if society has become one giant, convoluted episode of "Whose Reality Is It Anyway?" where the points are made up, and the facts don't matter. In this climate, saying "Jane, you ignorant slut" almost feels quaint, a nostalgic nod to when we believed there was a singular truth we could all agree on.

Ignorant = Our Collective Unknowing in the Age of Gaslighting: Our shared ignorance has taken on a new dimension. It's not just about the vast sea of knowledge we're not swimming in; it's about the riptide of alternate "realities" pulling us under. "You're not just ignorant; you're living in a parallel universe," they say. It's a wonder we manage to have conversations without falling into existential crises every five minutes.

Slut = The Sensationalism Whorehouse: And let's talk about sensationalism, shall we? If sex sells, then scandal is the currency of the realm, and we're all too willing to spend. But in this age of gaslighting, it's not just about selling sex or scandal; it's about selling realities. Each one is tailored to be more outrageous than the last because why sell you a product when I can sell you a whole new worldview?

So, here we stand, in the grand tradition of "Jane, you ignorant slut," not just participants in a sketch of comedic brilliance but living embodiments of its deepest satirical cuts. We're all Janes and Johns, wading through the murky waters of gaslit realities, trying to find solid ground in a world where truth is as fluid as the channels on our streaming services.

And yet, in this cacophony of competing truths, humor remains our lighthouse, our beacon of sanity. It allows us to laugh at the absurdity, to find common ground in our shared bewilderment, and maybe, just maybe, to see through the fog of gaslighting to the sturdy, if somewhat wobbly, ground of shared humanity beneath our feet.

So next time you feel the warm glow of someone trying to redefine your reality, remember, we're all in this bizarre comedy together. And maybe, just maybe, the best way to find our way out of the gaslight is to keep a firm grip on our sense of humor because, at the end of the day, laughter might be the only truth we can all agree on.

And in the words of Jane Curtain, "Dan, you pompous ass!"

The next article is an in-depth review by Roseanne Roseannadanna on the convicts in the Middle East.


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